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NSIS DotNetVersion

NSIS Library used to detect that a compatible .Net Framework version is installed on the system at installation time. Best usage is to include the required framework version and install it if the check returns false. Handles the hard version compatibility breaks between 1.0, 1.1-3.5, 4+.

For more information on NSIS please see http://nsis.sourceforge.net

Expected Warnings

The following warning may be thrown by the NSIS compiler and can be ignored

Warning 1  FIXME
Warning 2 un.  FIXME


Files must be in the compilers include directory or in the same folder as the install script being compiled


DotNetVersion OutVariable Major Minor Build

Parameter Type Description
OutVariable bool return result (TRUE or FALSE)
Major int numerical value between 1 and 4
Minor int or wildcard numerical value or wildcard *
Build int or wildcard numerical value or wildcard *

Example 1 - with fully defined minimum version:

!include DotNetVersion.nsh
DotNetVersion $0 '4' '6' '7'
${If} $0 == "FALSE"
  DetailPrint ".Net Framework 4.6.7 is not installed"
  DetailPrint ".Net Framework 4.6.7 or greater already installed"

Example 2 - with wildcard Minor and Build number:

!include DotNetVersion.nsh
DotNetVersion $0 '2' '*' '*'
${If} $0 == "FALSE"
  DetailPrint ".Net Framework 2.0 is not installed"
  File "/oname=dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" "..\Dependencies\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe"
  DetailPrint "Installing .Net Framework 4.0 (Installation will take several minutes)"
  nsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe" /q /norestart'
  DetailPrint ".Net Framework 2.0 or greater already installed"